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Why He Decided NOT to Join His Friends on a Trip Outside of Israel


Updated: Dec 16, 2021

"I know a lot of people say that you can leave Israel to go on a trip because it is considered Refuat Hanefesh. But I did not feel that it was necessary for me!"

Living in Israel is a huge and very important mitzva. Although I was not born here and I did leave Israel, when my friends were going on a trip I didn't go with them because I think it's important not to leave.

Once there was a bachur in Ner Yisrael Yeshiva who never missed a minyan since his bar-mitzva. One day something came up and he had to miss davening in a minyan. It was the right thing to do but he was upset about it. He told his mashgiach who said the point is not to have a "streak". The important thing is to do what is right. So even though I have been outside of Israel and I do not have a "clean record", I should still do what the right thing is for me right now.

Rashi on Vayikra כה:לח, on the words "להיות לכם לאלוקים" state:

שכל הדר בארץ ישראל אני לו לאלהים וכל היוצא ממנה כעובד ע"ז

"Because to him who dwells in the land of Israel I am G-d; while he who leaves it may be regarded as though he were an idolater"

You're allowed to leave Israel for a few reasons, one of them being refuah. I know a lot of people say that you can leave Israel to go on a trip because it is considered Refuat Hanefesh. But I did not feel that it was necessary for me!


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